The Lapwing is disappearing from Ireland’s and Europe’s farmland. The intensification of agriculture has dramatically reduced this unique bird’s habitat and food sources. In the coming months, the European Parliament will make far-reaching decisions about the future of the multi-billion euro Common Agriculture Policy subsidies. Lapwings and other threatened animals don’t have a vote or a voice in the Parliament. Please send a message to your MEPs. All you need is a smartphone, tablet or desktop computer to be a voice for nature.
The population of Lapwings is in freefall in Ireland. Sadly, the most recent Bird Atlas reported a 53% decrease in its breeding range in Ireland in the last 40 years. The main driver is the intensification of farming which is eradicating wet meadows and extensively used grasslands. As a result, lapwings (which are also called green plovers), can’t find enough food and living space anymore.
Now is the time for action if we want to save Lapwings, European hare, bumblebees and other farmland wildlife. Give them your voice by sending a message to your representatives in the European Parliament. The EU needs to take action and change direction and to support farmers to farm for nature.
Due to the Corona crisis, votes on the EU’s future Common Agricultural Policy have been pushed to autumn. However, important decisions are already taking place before the summer, so we need to speak up now.
Our Three Demands
Space for Nature: We need more space for lapwing and other wildlife in the agricultural landscape – at minimum 10 percent of the acreage on each farm should to be set aside for biodiversity.
Money for Nature: We need to reward European farmers for protecting nature – with 15 billion euro per year.
Transition for Nature: We need subsidies that transform farming in Europe, not cement the destructive status quo – with a phased exit from direct subsidies purely based by acreage.
To learn more about our demands, click here.